Contextual Ads of «CITY-KRAN»

Project Type: contextual ads
Period: 25 days
Price: 470 dollars

About Project

Contextual advertising of building crane leasing service’s website. We needed to increase sales of already existing platform, so we combined SEO with contextual ads.

Ads Statistics

Course of work

Goals: getting new leads through website.

  1. Keyword research
    We collected commercial and thematical keywords.
  2. Keyword clustering
    Keywords were divided in groups.
  3. Setting up campaigns and writing ads
    We used «Clicks Optimization» strategy, wrote ads, found images, wrote extensions and etc.
  4. Launching campaigns and editing it
    Campaigns were launched on 11.09.2017. Some settings were changed in the first week of work and then we monitored campaigns every week to change bids and add new negative keywords. First leads were collected during first week of ads working.

Ads examples

Ads examples in Yandex:

Title: Rental of building cranes in Moscow — Carrying capacity up to 300 tonnes
Description: Our equopment has Rostechnadzor’s passports. We offer services of experienced crane operators. Discounts up to 50%.
Additional text: Wide variety, Help with choice, Full support cycle, Official
Additional links: Grove cranes, Terex cranes, Delivery beyond MKAD, Flexible prices

Title: Rental of building cranes with 50% discount — Carrying capacity 80-30 tonnes
Description: Officially registered equipment. Services of experienced crane operators. Full technical support.
Additional text: Wide variety, Help with choice, Contract work, Official
Additional links: Grove cranes, Terex cranes, Delivery beyond MKAD, Flexible prices

What was important for our client

Quality written ads.
Getting new clients quickly.
Regular calls and requests from target audience.
Stable results of campaigns.
Reports every week.
Monitoring of campaigns every week.

Campaigns statistics

Week statistics:

Company statistics:

Traffic sources statistics:

Devices types statistics:

Campaigns Results

Statistics we got by the end of the campaigns:

Budget: 360 dollars
Leads: 1-3 leads a week
12 leads in 25 days
30 dollars per lead