Project Type: contextual ads
Period: 14 days
Price: 600 dollars
Period: 14 days
Price: 600 dollars
About Project
Contextual advertising of Moscow restaurant chain Café Sahara. Business owners wanted to increase the amount of orders during Covid-19 quarantine when restaurants could work only as delivery service.
Ads Statistics
Statistics from Yandex.Direct
Yandex search ads
SEO retargeting
Contextual ads retargeting
Social networks retargeting
Links retargeting
Media ads retargeting
Statistics from Google Ads
Google search ads
Course of work
Goals: increased amount of orders in online shop.
- Keyword research and clustering
We collected 405 commercial and thematical keywords and divided them in 17 groups. - Setting up campaigns and writing ads
We used «Clicks Optimization» strategy, wrote 51 ads, found images, wrote extensions and etc. for 17 groups. - Launching campaigns and editing them
Campaigns were launched, and some settings were changed in the first week of work and then we monitored campaigns every week to change bids and add new negative keywords. First orders appeared during first week of ads working.
Ads examples
Ads examples in Yandex:
What was important for our client
Quality written ads.
Getting new clients quickly.
Regular calls and requests.
Stable results of campaigns.
Reports every week.
Monitoring of campaigns every week.
Campaigns statistics
Website traffic was increased 1,5 times after the start of the campaigns and compared to the previous period without them. We also kept CTR on 4-6% which was a good result for the very competetive food delivery market.

Campaigns Results
Statistics we got by the end of the campaigns:
Budget: 373 dollars
100 orders in 14 days
3,73 dollars per order
Regular orders in online shop